The main characteristics of Terminalia Catappa are: • Antioxidant properties: Terminalia catappa leaves contain a large quantity and diversity of tannins, particularly punicalin and punicalagin, which are the most abundant components with the greatest antioxidant activity within the group of tannins. These molecules prevent and delay the production of free radicals, generated during oxidation, which cause damage to the cells of living organisms. • Fungicidal and antibiotic properties: They prevent fungal and bacterial infections in the mucous membranes and eggs of our fish, especially effective against Saprolegnia, which causes havoc in the eggs of our fish. This antibiotic action is not broad spectrum, it only affects certain groups of opportunistic bacteria. By eliminating these bacteria, the development of the bacterial colony in our aquariums is favoured, especially those that intervene in the nitrogen cycle. • Anti-stress properties: During the degradation process of the leaves, tannins are released that will dye the water an amber color typical of tannins, giving a more natural appearance to the aquarium and reducing the stress of shy species. • pH-reducing properties and precipitation of heavy metals: The released tannins will cause a slight reduction in pH, ideal for minimizing the negative effects of ammonia, as well as the precipitation of heavy metals contained in our aquariums. But the properties and applications of these leaves do not end there, in our aquariums: they serve as a support for the bacterial colony and for the infusoria, the basic food for fry of tropical fish and invertebrates. They prevent the proliferation of fungi in the eggs of discus fish and other oviparous fish. They prevent massive and sudden deaths of fry of tropical fish caused by saprolegnia attacks. They scare away some common external parasites in tropical fish. They prevent bacterial diseases such as fin rot and columnaris. They are very effective in the recovery of fins and wounds after transporting fish. Special mention must be made of the use of these leaves in specific invertebrate aquariums. Since they do not have an adaptive immune system, that is, one typical of vertebrates with the presence of lymphocytes and antibodies, the consumption of these leaves will provide more natural robustness to prevent opportunistic diseases.