https://podzemnayamoskva.ru — excursions to the anti-nuclear bunker-museum near Moscow-City @podzemnayamoskva_live — second channel https://t.me/v_bunkere_ne_strashno — our telegram channel about everything underground Last year, going to Chukotka, we set ourselves the main goal - to visit the underground nuclear weapons storage base. In addition to visiting this base, we planned to inspect other structures and surroundings, but initially this was considered more as a side effect and a way to while away the time. We could not even imagine that this part of the trip would cause so many emotions and sensations! Even now, a year and a half later, sometimes you want to go back there and wander around there again. This is probably the most atmospheric video we have ever released. Its editing took a lot of effort, time and caused a lot of emotions. But now you too can wander with us through abandoned military bases, huge diesel power plants and the dank areas of the dying settlement of Ugolnye Kopi at the edge of the world. And we deliberately left the last ten minutes of the video without commentary. 00:01:34 - Introduction 00:03:54 - Road to Chukotka 00:04:45 - Hotel 00:08:12 - Outskirts of the village 00:09:24 - Second YouTube channel 00:10:02 - First military base 00:31:09 - Village communications 00:32:49 - Old diesel power plant 01:06:29 - New diesel power plant 01:13:41 - It's not scary in the bunker 01:14:34 - Nuclear weapons storage base 01:17:50 - Shops and cars 01:19:25 - New diesel power plant overview 01:32:54 - All-terrain vehicles 01:34:20 - Second military base 02:04:42 - Third military base 02:17:09 - Old Military Diesel 02:18:33 - Anadyr 02:19:47 - Coal Mine 02:21:00 - Pier and Ferry 02:22:10 - Epilogue