The Drum called for a vibrational harmonization in all of us. Here... Receive it in its entirety in order to benefit from its benefits. ???? More details on my activities? It's on my website https://claire-ponticelli.com ???? To concretely support these videos, you can make a DONATION here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Clair... ???? Thank you! ** You can subscribe to my channel here and click on the bell to vibrate better and better with yourself and comment! ** To meet me in individual appointments or in workshops, WhatsApp, messenger, Tel, you have the information on my website: https://claire-ponticelli.com or contact me directly by email: [email protected] ** You can also visit my other YouTube channel Ecolieu L'Oasis de Cezay to follow the development of the place: / @loasisdecezay So many possibilities...