Aitor Albizua comes to remind us every Friday the best and worst of the program in a humorous tone with the most curious anecdotes. #audit #aitoralbizua #television #figuresandletters #radio #criticism Follow Àngels Barceló and José Luis Sastre for all the latest news with the best analysis and entertainment on the leading program on Spanish radio, from Monday to Friday, from 6:00 to 12:20. Comment, subscribe and hit the bell if you want to be informed at the moment ???? ???? The 'Hoy por Hoy' audit: • The audit ???? SOCIAL NETWORKS: https://linktr.ee/HoyporHoy ✅ WhatsApp of the program (638 31 34 66): https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=3... ???? All our news: https://cadenaser.com/cadena-ser/hoy-... ???? Listen to your favorite section: https://cadenaser.com/podcast/cadena-...