Until January 1, 2024, Chernobyl pension supplements for people living in the contaminated territory were assigned by courts in the amount of two subsistence minimums, or two minimum wages. The law on the budget for 2024 provides for such payments, but already in the amount of a fixed indicator - 1,600 hryvnias. That is, now Chernobyl survivors, who previously received supplements in the amount of more than 12-13 thousand, receive 3,200 hryvnias. Why were the amounts of payments changed, what consequences will the reduction in financial support for the population of communities in the north of Zhytomyr region have, and what solutions to the problem of Chernobyl payments are proposed today, said Volodymyr Areshonkov, the People's Deputy of Ukraine for the 64th majoritarian district, in an interview with Suspilny. ___________________ Subscribe and press 🔔 to receive notifications about new videos and broadcasts Read news here: https://suspilne.media/regions/zhytom... We are on Telegram: https://t.me/suspilnezhytomyr We are on Facebook: / suspilne.zhytomyr We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suspilne.zh... Join the community on Viber: https://bit.ly/2ZoOX8F Audience interaction policy on Suspilne's digital platforms: https://bit.ly/3dizhMn ---------------- Branch website: https://zt.suspilne.media/ Read everything about Suspilne here: https://corp.suspilne.media/