Hitoshi Kunichika is 62 years old and lives in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. After dropping out of high school, he was a recluse for a long time. At the age of 55, he consulted an NPO and started receiving support to become independent, and two years later he was able to find work. However, the cost of his 40 years of recluse was high, and various trials awaited him. The reality of "recluses" and "isolation and loneliness" is hard to see. The government has only just begun to seriously address these issues. Let's look at Kunichika's daily life and consider the support he needs. Narrator: Mutsumi Miyahara (yab announcer) Produced by: Yamaguchi Asahi Broadcasting #recluse #8050problem #loneliness [Teledocumentary] A documentary program produced jointly by 24 companies nationwide affiliated with TV Asahi. Each station takes turns producing the program each week, and the program is produced from a unique perspective. *Broadcast times vary by region. Please see the website for details. https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/telementary