OFFICIAL CHANNEL ::: 02:37 Mortality, passion, corruption - blameless passions. Why do you call them original sin, and not a consequence of the sin of the first parents? 04:08 The book of Metropolitan Hierotheus (Vlachos) "Heaven and Hell" speaks of the energy theory of heaven and hell - uncreated realities. Please comment on this. 13:03 How can the energy theory of heaven and hell be reconciled with the fact that Christ descended into hell - a specific place, and brought out the righteous from there, and did not change their way of perceiving divine energy? 26:04 In which media is the apologetic activity of the Church most effective? 30:12 By virtue of what will the resurrection of sinners occur, if in earthly life they were not partakers of human nature healed by Christ? 42:49 What, in your opinion, in the theological views of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov causes the greatest doubts? 48:18 What, according to the Holy Fathers, is the relationship between the Eucharist and the sacraments in general and spiritual life? 55:00 What sources would you recommend for understanding the patristic understanding of redemption and salvation? 57:35 Do you know anything about the so-called path of the Neocatechumenate or the return to the ancient tradition of three-year catechumenate - a movement that arose in Spain in the 1970s? 1:00:44 You said that after death a person does not change his will from evil to righteous. How can pagans perceive the preaching of the Apostles in hell, because it requires an effort of will? 1:18:16 How can one explain people's fascination with Greek writers, in particular Paisius the Athonite? 1:20:20 When a person is born, God already knows his final fate in eternity. How can God, seeing that a person will inherit eternal destruction, still allow him to be born into the world? MDA, 2005.05.13 ????Osipov Alexey Ilyich - Russian Orthodox theologian, Honored Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Doctor of Theology. For a more objective assessment, it is important for us to know the opinion of everyone who watched this video ????????. Archive of lectures and books https://Alexey-Osipov.ru About the meaning of life. Is there a God and who is He? The truth of Christianity. What is Orthodoxy? Spiritual life. About love, marriage and family... __ DOWNLOAD http://alexey-osipov.ru/video/obrazov... OFFICIAL SITE https://Alexey-Osipov.ru YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/user/osipoval... INSTAGRAM / professor_osipov VK https://vk.com/a_i_osipov FACEBOOK / aiosipov OK https://ok.ru/prof.osipov TELEGRAM https://t.me/professor_osipov VIBER https://invite.viber.com/?g2=AQAOCNM6... YANDEX ZEN https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5db9805c3480... TIKTOK / professor_osipov __ #questions #answers #orthodoxy #spiritualschool #birth #afterdeath #PaisiusSvyatogorets #neocatechumenate #atonement #salvation #SophronySakharov #apologetics #rayiad #church #religion