There is a tendency that the more popular an apartment is in a convenient location, the older it is. Shibuya Ward, where Omotesando and Aoyama are located, still has many such old apartments in good locations. No matter how old an apartment is, the interior, such as the kitchen and bathroom, can be beautifully renovated as much as you want. It is not that difficult to finish it to the point where it looks almost like new. On the other hand, there are some things that cannot be fixed even with renovation. Today, we will list 9 things that cannot be fixed even with renovation of an apartment. [Tonarisk] https://tonarisk.co.jp/ For individual consultations, please contact the following: [email protected] About TERASS, which I belong to https://lp.terass.com/offer_sell_002/ #GoodProperty #HouseBuying #ThingsYouCan'tDoWithAnApartment