Thank you for watching! I'm Niyama, the manager of Yukkuri Losers. I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. This time I explained why the PS Vita failed. I think there are other theories besides the information mentioned in the video, so I'd be happy if you could capture them in the comments section. I'm also on Twitter, so please come and see me! ▼Yukkuri Losers Twitter / kyouyou_youtube This channel introduces businesses that have disappeared for some reason. We look forward to your comments and requests, so please feel free to comment! Please subscribe to our channel. Take your time! ▼References/Quotes Why did Sony's "PS Vita" flop? The "inevitable" crushing defeat to the Nintendo 3DS https://biz-journal.jp/2019/01/post_2... PlayStation Vita Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlaySta... Five reasons why the PS Vita never caught on and died https://hard-mode.net/archives/2303#:... Production of all models of Sony's portable game console "PlayStation Vita" to end, bringing an end to its roughly 8-year history https://gigazine.net/news/20190304-so...