In 2001, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was ruling the country and preparing his eldest son, Kim Jong-nam, to succeed him. The story could have ended here had it not been for the actions of the North Korean leader's eldest son, who changed the equation. The son was caught trying to escape to Japan to enter Disneyland. As a result of that attempt, he was denied the right to succeed his father and became an opponent of the regime, to be killed 16 years later. Kim Jong-il must look for an alternative to succeed his son from among his other two sons. His second son, Kim Jong-chul, was more involved in rock concerts in America than in politics, in addition to his character, which those around him describe as somewhat feminine. Kim Jong-il had no choice but his youngest son, Kim Jong-un, but he had to wait a long time before announcing this matter. Understanding this complex situation requires knowing Kim Jong-un's life and the multiple paths he, his father, and even his grandfather went through to get him to this point. #Kim_Jong_un #North_Korea #Asharq_Documentary If you missed one of our programs, you can follow it at any time via the on-demand video platform: https://now.asharq.com/doc Follow us also on various social media sites / asharqdoc / asharqdoc / asharqdoc / asharqdoc