We analyze by the log method of the PRELIMINARY DILIGENCES, you can also find other interesting videos; https://dudasoposicion.es/categoria-d... On my website https://dudasoposicion.es/ you can have the MASTERCLASS of ordinary criminal procedure with the CODE: YOUTUBE Significant discounts when purchasing more than one MASTERCLASS, check my website https://dudasoposicion.es/ Here you have diagrams on the subject of PRELIMINARY DILIGENCES issues in OPOSITATEST; English: https://acortar.link/oOHYQV In case you want to check all the resources that OPOSITATEST has: https://acortar.link/FtYg7Q In the following link you have OPOSITATEST diagrams on various subjects https://acortar.link/cZd0AA I also leave you links for OPOSITATEST practical cases: https://acortar.link/9rW8Xd https://acortar.link/aKb4wE https://acortar.link/nJsB1z In the comments you can ask me if you would be interested in an explanation of a particular procedure. Unfortunately I cannot answer any questions you may have in the comments because it is impossible, but you can become a member and they will be answered there; Become a member of this channel to enjoy benefits: / @antoniadudasoposicion You already know that you can follow me on Facebook: / dudasoposicion and for more information on the website: http://dudasoposicion.es/ and in the email: [email protected] Who may be interested in these videos: #proceduralmanager #judicialauxiliary #processing #justiceoppositions #opos #law #lawmaster #judiciary #judiciaries #justice #administrationofjustice #justiceofficial #summary #law #criminallaw #criminalprocedure #judge #justice