Do you make a lot of mistakes when you write in French? We offer you 30 questions to test your level in French around spelling, conjugation, agreements, accents, etc. Test your level in French with this quiz which is accessible to everyone, whether you are French or foreign, an adult or a young person. #spelling #test #quiz We offer detailed explanations for the answers. Good quiz to all and remember to share your score and your impressions in the comments. The principle of this quiz is simple: ☑️ You have 10 seconds ☑️ Find the right answer among the 4 proposals ☑️ You score 1 point per correct answer ???????? Discover even more French language quizzes on our Culture Quizz website: https://www.culturequizz.com/langues/... Culture Quizz is a channel dedicated to entertainment with quizzes and blind tests to learn while having fun. We design questionnaires in different forms: MCQs, Picture Questions, Music Quizzes, General Knowledge, etc.