With his Tenant trilogy, director Roman Polanski has not only created three magnificent #horrorfilms or #psychothrillers, but also three distinctly feminist films: Whether in "Repulsion," "The Tenant" or "Rosemary's Baby" - women always have to suffer under bourgeois society and patriarchal conditions. Polanski deals ingeniously with the question: How brutal, scary and repressive is what we usually call normality? #RosemariesBaby has an excellent cast with Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon and Sidney Blackmer, and Polanski also sets new aesthetic standards for the horror genre. But what does the film tell us today, more than 50 years after its brilliant theatrical release? More on this from Wolfgang M. Schmitt in the video! Literature: Louis Althusser. Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. Vol. 1. VSA. You can support THE FILM ANALYSIS financially - thank you very much! Wolfgang M. Schmitt Subject: THE FILM ANALYSIS IBAN: DE29 5745 0120 0130 7858 43 BIC: MALADE51NWD PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/filmanalyse In “Prosperity for All,” Ole Nymoen and I deal with Friedrich Merz and his ideology: • Why Friedrich Merz is extremely dangerous... “Prosperity for All” special – I spoke to Anna-Verena Nosthoff and Felix Maschewski about wearables: https://wohlstandfueralle.podigee.io/ The new political analysis is here: It deals with liberalism and universalism, among other things • POLITICAL ANALYSIS #11 – Liberal societies... Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Twitter: / schmittjunior Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Facebook: / wolfgangm.sc. . Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Instagram: / wolfgangmschmitt https://www.fatboyfilm.de / fatboyfilm / fatboyfilm