■ Patreon: / matesmike ■ Channel members: / @matesmike ■ Instagram: @mates.mike ■ Twitter: @mike_mates May 24, 2000 was a very important day for mathematics. It had been 100 years since David Hilbert had proposed his famous 23 problems in Paris, those he considered most important for the development of mathematics in the 20th century. 100 years later, in the same city, the Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge took advantage of this anniversary and the beginning of the new millennium to propose 7 new problems. 7 of the most difficult problems that mathematicians around the world were and still are facing. Their intention? To make the general public see that not everything is solved in mathematics, that there are still many important issues to be solved, and to award whoever could solve any of them very carefully a million dollars. ►►SOME VIDEOS: ►SAGA OF INFINITY: • The Paradox of the Hotel with Infinite H... ►HOW ARE NUMBERS BUILT? ℕ, ℤ, ℚ, ℝ and ℂ. • Why are COMPLETE NUMBERS NECESSARY? ►4/π is the AVERAGE distance of two points on a CIRCUMFERENCE! • 4/π = Average Distance of Two Points on a CIRCLE! ►Understanding the most beautiful equation: • The most BEAUTIFUL EXPRESSION in MATHEMATICS... ►How many squares are there on a chessboard? • How many SQUARES are there on a CHESSBOARD? ►Equations and fractals: • How to CREATE FRACTALS with POLYNOMIALS ...