Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) is a venous disease seen especially in women who have given birth. The most obvious symptom of PCS, which can be described as the dilation and flow disorder in the veins located in the lower abdomen and surrounding organs such as the uterus and ovaries, is pain in the lower abdomen and groin. The pain, which usually worsens during urination, defecation and sexual intercourse, can be felt at any time of the day. This disease, which is diagnosed with venous doppler ultrasonography and transvaginal ultrasonography, especially in the groin and lower abdomen, may also require CT, MRI or conventional venography. In treatment, it is very important to choose the appropriate treatment method for the patient after the cause of the disease and anatomical features are well identified. In addition to medical treatment options such as medication and hormone treatments, there are also treatment methods applied to problematic veins with interventional methods. Reaching a specialist vascular surgeon is the most important step in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. We talked about all the details about PKS with Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ergenoğlu in the Instagram live broadcast.