Tupi grass, a new variety of Brachiaria humidicola that Embrapa is making available to producers, is an alternative for humid areas subject to temporary flooding and for poor soils. With rapid growth, Tupi grass is more productive in dry conditions than common humidicola. The new cultivar is part of a collection brought from Africa for studies at Embrapa over 20 years ago. The plant, registered under the name BRS Tupi, is the result of a selection of plants collected in Burundi, in East Africa, by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia. When launching a cultivar, Embrapa is concerned with putting better-adapted specimens on the market, in addition to opening up the possibility for producers to diversify their pasture areas, since monoculture is not recommended. BRS Tupi underwent tests in areas of Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and in the North region, and stood out for its vigor and production capacity, grazing persistence, support capacity and animal performance. Among other plants evaluated, Tupi also proved to be more vigorous, productive, palatable, quick to establish, resistant to pests and allowing for greater animal weight gains than other plants. Production: Embrapa Technological Information and Embrapa Beef Cattle Responsible for technical content: Cacilda Borges do Valle - researcher Production and Script: Eliana Cezar Silveira - Journalist Cinematographer: Rogério Monteiro Image editor: Sérgio Figueiredo Art editor: Joniel Sergio Contacts: (67) 3368-2000 [email protected] www.cnpgc.embrapa.br