Hello Beloved, We are faced with a moderately well-known biblical text. But as I tell you the story, you will remember having heard it before. Watch until the end, God wants to speak to you today. ???? Bible Reading: Joshua 9 #PastoraHelenaRaquel #Josue #ParaQuemOsolParou ============================================== ☎️ FOR INVITATIONS TO PASTOR HELENA RAQUEL: (21) 2658-9869 / 9.9916-6050 / 9.7964-5158 http://www.helenaraquel.com.br ✔️SUBSCRIBE TO PASTOR HELENA RAQUEL'S CHANNEL: ???? https://gospel.mk/2LBtwx4 ????WATCH OTHER RELEASES BY PASTOR HELENA RAQUEL: Life testimony: https://gospel.mk/36vP0SA Be Careful with Your Handkerchief: https://gospel.mk/2YL9l4t The Calling of Jeremiah: https://gospel.mk/3ii65W0 ============================================== ????DOWNLOAD/LISTEN TO THE AUDIOBOOK: SARAH - A LIFE OF MANY CHAPTERS ????http://mkmusic.mk/PastoraHelenaRaquel... ????READ IN EBOOK: SARAH: A LIFE OF MANY CHAPTERS ???? https://gospel.mk/2EdV7Bq ????DOWNLOAD/LISTEN TO THE AUDIOBOOK: I AM NOT AITOFEL ???? https://gospel.mk/30s69IK ????READ IN EBOOK: I AM NOT AITOFEL ???? https://gospel.mk/2YM3yt4 ???? FOLLOW PASTOR HELENA RAQUEL ON DIGITAL PLATFORMS: https://gospel.mk/2C6iHLX ???? FOLLOW PASTOR HELENA RAQUEL ON SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: / pastorahelen. . INSTAGRAM: / pastorahelenaraquel TWITTER: / mishelenaraquel ???? BUY PASTOR HELENA RAQUEL'S DVDs IN OUR ONLINE STORE: http://lojahelenaraquel.com.br/ ============================================== • SUBSCRIBE TO THE MK MUSIC CHANNEL: https://gospel.mk/canalMKMusic • FOLLOW MK MUSIC ON DIGITAL PLATFORMS: http://gospel.mk/1khCjkF • FOLLOW MK MUSIC ON SOCIAL MEDIA: / mkmusicoficial / mkmusicbrasil / mkmusicbrasil #PastoraHelenaquel #PalavradeDeus #Mensagem