Hello, Today one of the last videos on this line with the new annual services which starts 1 week after the broadcast of the video. It is therefore one of the lines which will be shaken up by the SA 2025, it will be extended to Yverdon-les-Bains with stops removed between Neuchâtel and Yverdon-les-Bains for more robustness in terms of regularity. The Neuchâtel - Bienne in Regio will exist at half-hourly at peak times, one train arriving from Yverdon-les-Bains and the other coming from Neuchâtel. The rest of the time it will be on time. Welcome aboard, next stop Tüscherz. Video filmed in 4K 120fps Stations served: 00:00 Bienne/Biel 04:20 Tüscherz 09:51 Ligerz 12:54 La Neuveville 15:18 Le Landeron 17:55 Cernier NE 20:09 Cornaux 24:14 Saint-Blaise CFF 29:06 Neuchâtel Do you have any questions? Ask them and we will answer them! #cabride #sbbcffffs #switzerland