Tropicana Slim, sweetening and nourishing Indonesia for 50 years for more information: https://bit.ly/Tropicana_Slim PAPUA PEGUNNUNGAN, KOMPAS.TV - After being delayed for two days, Jayawijaya Regency and Yalimo Regency in Papua Pegunungan finally completed the plenary recapitulation of the votes for the gubernatorial and deputy gubernatorial candidates. As of Wednesday (11/12) evening, six regencies had completed the plenary vote count at the Papua Pegunungan Province level. With increasingly limited time, the Head of the Papua Pegunungan KPU asked the two regencies that had not completed the plenary at the district level, namely Lanny Jaya Regency and Tolikara Regency, to speed up the recapitulation so that it would be completed on time. Also Read: Recapitulation Completed, KPU Determines Athenius Murib-Ronny Elopere as Elected Regent-Deputy Regent of Jayawijaya at https://www.kompas.tv/regional/559631... #regionalelection #papuapegunungan #kpu This article can be seen at: https://www.kompas.tv/regional/559633...