JOIN THE WAITING LIST FOR LIVING ON INCOME: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/9e5e5eba43 Discover MyProfit, a platform for controlling INVESTMENTS and calculating taxes. ???? https://r.vocemaisrico.com/981b3320b5 “We knew the world would not be the same. Some people laughed, some cried, most were silent”, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. In the midst of the greatest war in history, a select group of scientists and engineers developed a weapon that would revolutionize geopolitical relations and shake the very foundations of humanity: the atomic bomb. But this is not just a glimpse into science, war and technology: this project was immersed in ethical and political complexities, with deep moral questions and consequences that guide the world to this day. After all, how did the project led by Dr. Oppenheimer work? What is its legacy for humanity? What scientific advances emerged from this project? Were lives really spared because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What geopolitical implications has the world felt since then? To answer these and other questions, we invited Sergio Sacani to episode 155 of the Os Sócios podcast. We will talk about Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project, how the atomic bomb worked at the time, ethical and moral dilemmas, geopolitical implications and much more. It will be broadcast live this Thursday (09/28), at 12 pm, on the Os Sócios Podcast channel. Hosts: Bruno Perini @bruno_perini and Malu Perini @maluperini Guest: Sergio Sacani @SpaceToday 00:00 - live