Helllooo, we wanted to play a game but we couldn't even eat, mom. Oh our beautiful home cookingzz. What a single letter. Whatever. I hope you like it, loves. We love youzz♡ See you on Tuesdays and Fridays at 19:00♡ Dobi Productions Management: Aslı Sever Artun Öykü Dörter Onat Artun - Shooting & Editing: Özgür Malkoç Sound: Onat Artun Project Coordinator: Özgür Malkoç - Öykü Dörter Production: Dobi Productions - You can follow us here! Instagram: Toxic Relationships: / toxicrelations Öykü Dörter: / oykudorter Aslı Sever: / aslisever Dobi Production: / dobiproduction - Tiktok: Öykü Dörter: / oykudorter Aslı Sever: / aslisever0 Dobi Production: / dobiproduction http://dobiproduction.com - Mail: [email protected] If you are ready to question the possibility of all your relationships being toxic, you are invited to Aslı and Öykü's inner reckoning here every Tuesday and Friday! #ToxicRelationships #OneHarfChallenge