How do you know if someone values you? What do they do that makes it clear? And how do you know what someone does that means they don't value you? What about situations where it seems like they are valuing you but they aren't? ...................................................................................................... Scheduling online or in-person psychotherapy: WhatsApp 11 99787-4512 Contact via WhatsApp by clicking directly here: https://rb.gy/zdrmq http://www.marisapsicologa.com.br/hor... In-person service: Rua Bela Cintra, 968 (near Av Paulista - Consolação Metro and Paulista Metro) In-person psychologist in São Paulo, region of Av Paulista, Consolação, Cerqueira Cesar. Become a member of the channel club: / psychologists in são paulo Free E-books http://www.marisapsicologa.com.br/mat... Join the group on Telegram: https://t.me/PsicologosemSP This video aims to present situations in which a psychologist can act in the psychotherapy process, without having a treatment function. Psychotherapy is your space to receive guidance, reflect, get to know yourself, change behaviors, thoughts and feelings, this video does not replace therapy. Cortes channel: / @cortespsicologosemsaopaulo Main Channel http://goo.gl/32B3B6 Marisa de Abreu Psychologist CRP 06/29493 _________________________________________ KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THOSE WHO DON'T VALUE YOU How do we know that a person GIVES us value Asks for your opinion, considers your statements, listens to you with interest. Talk about yourself to other people showing recognition of your importance. Do his part without considering that the obligation is yours. But be careful. Example of the video of the husband in the airport line shouting “Attention everyone, I want everyone to notice how wonderful my wife is”. Was that a compliment or did he make her look ridiculous on purpose? Which is not valuing, but seems like it: Giving gifts. Praising to get or get rid of something. Making destructive criticism and saying it is constructive. Hiding information and saying he is protecting you. How do we know that a person DOES NOT value us? They belittle, despise, go over your wishes, do not let you participate in their things, hide information. They decide everything alone and do not ask you. Do not deal with it – get out of this person’s life or remove them from your life. Isn’t it possible? The child does not value, does not recognize: I am sorry, but it is possible that you did not help him understand how much he should value his own effort, you made everything easier for him and now he thinks it is your obligation and not his. Mother/father does not value: The parents’ limitations are theirs, if you have a greater understanding, understand your value and love them for the part that is theirs. (My father: a doctor. Radio, he worked as a psychiatrist and psychologist) Boss doesn't value you, and you need the job: Your part is to show your competence, you may have to change your strategies. If your boss thinks you're arrogant for showing your results, maybe he's insecure, maybe showing it to his boss would be more efficient. Note: Saying that you do everything they tell you to do can show that in fact you're a burden, they need to tell you to do every detail. Boyfriend/husband doesn't value you, but you want to show him your value: First ask yourself why you want to insist that this person sees value in you when he's already proven that he doesn't.