In this video you will learn about the main oceanic reliefs, such as continental shelves, abyssal plains and oceanic islands Oceanic Relief: continental shelf, abyssal plain, oceanic islands ???? Do you want to have access to the MENTAL MAP of this and other videos on the channel? get to know the Geo Illustrated Mind Maps Kit: https://hotm.art/Mapas-Mentais-GeoIlu... ????Teacher, save A LOT of time with ready-made and editable planning and activities ???? ACCESS THE SITE TO FIND OUT ???????? https://geoilustrada.online/ If you liked it, like the video Subscribe to the channel and Share it with your friends and/or students???? ???? Follow us on Instagram: / geoilustrada ⚡️ You will enjoy these videos Relief Forms: Plateau, Plain, Escarpment and others (Physical Geography) • Relief Forms: Plateau, Plain,... TECTONIC PLATES and their MAIN movements • TECTONIC PLATES and their MAIN... Do you know what the oceanic relief is like? The Oceanic Relief is not homogeneous, as it presents distinct features, all very characteristic. The underwater relief, as well as the underwater and continental relief, presents different forms, such as the continental shelf, the abyssal plain, the continental slope, the oceanic islands, among others. The oceanic relief is widely studied within oceanography and geography, mainly in physical geography, being relatively common within entrance exams such as ENEM - Enem 2021 - So, if you want to know what oceanic relief is and the types of oceanic relief, as well as the characteristics of underwater relief - Brazilian relief -, stay with me in this Geo Ilustrada video #OCEANICRELIEF #brazilianrelief #GEOGRAPHY #oceanography #physicalgeography Share the video there, my friend ???? Leave a like too ???? References: http://igeologico.com.br/formacao-das... https://biblioteca.ibge.gov.br/visual... https://www2.unifap.br/alexandresanti... https://www2.unifap.br/alexandresanti...