A special conversation about reporting, human conversations and humility towards the profession. Why is it not recommended to put your private life on the front pages? What do you need to know about the press when someone makes a statement? How can you master the details of interviewing? This is also discussed in the above conversation, among other things. If you don't want to miss our next conversation, subscribe! Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó – Trade magazin's business podcast, every second Monday at 8 p.m. Conversation about visions, trends, economic and human factors in an informal and understandable way week after week. I am Szilvia Krizsó, a communications specialist and consultant, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and host. On my personal channel, you can follow my theater talk show, KrizShow, my series Köztünk szólva with Tamás Náray, as well as my other business & art activities. Follow me on my social media pages for more content! / krizsoszilvia / krizshow_krizso_szilviaval Our broadcasts are also available in audio format, follow our conversations on Trade Magazine's social channels: www.trademagazin.hu / trademagazin.hu / posts / trade_magazin