Ingredients 1 tablespoon of lard (or 2 tablespoons of your preferred oil) 1 medium onion, chopped 5 cloves of medium garlic, chopped 1/2 kilo of meat (I used beef shoulder) 1 dessert spoon of spicy paprika 1 tablespoon of liquid paprika 1 dessert spoon of salt 1 liter of hot water for cooking the meat 2 cups of pasta 1350 ml for cooking the vegetables and pasta 2 cups of chopped zucchini 2 cups of yam (taro) 2 cups of English potatoes 1 cup of chopped carrots 1/2 bunch of parsley 1/2 bunch of chives (the measuring cup used in the recipe is 250 ml) Step by step preparation method watch the full video ???? Thank you ???? • Homemade liquid paprika without a pestle! Pro... • Natural Tomato Soup with Pasta C... • Broths and Soups Best electric oven with rotating spit https://amzn.to/3UAA1BR