Hello, you are on the Hockey Stigg channel [Hockey Stigg] not so long ago on our channel we discussed the topic of the most difficult element for amateur hockey players - this is the boat on skates. And then I remembered that I have another set of exercises that will help you learn this technique on the ice. Enjoy watching =) ------------------------------------------------ I'm giving away hockey sticks in my Telegram, subscribe: https://t.me/hockeystigg My VK is also interesting, join: https://vk.com/hockeystigg ------------------------------------------ Hockey Stigg online store: https://hockeystigg.ru/ ------------------------------------------- My friends: Kupchino Ice Arena: https://vk.com/arenakupchino... Prime equipment: https://primehockey.ru ---------------------------------------------------------- #hockeystigg #hockeystigg #hockey