Normal Voltage. The new Values ​​Recommended by Doctors


Pacientul 2.0

Published on Premiered Jul 3, 2019
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We present the new blood pressure values ​​recommended by doctors. If this video helped you, don't forget to subscribe and press the bell for notifications: / patient20 From this video you will find out what blood pressure means, you will see what the normal values ​​are, why doctors changed them last year and what problems can arise if your blood pressure does not fall within the ranges considered normal. You probably already know, with each heartbeat, the blood goes to the lungs and the rest of the body. Blood pressure refers to the pressure exerted by the blood column on the arterial vascular wall during the contraction and relaxation of the heart. By the way, did you know that if you put all the blood vessels in the body together, you get a vessel 95,000 km long, which can circle the Earth more than twice at the Equator and through which the equivalent of 7,500 L is transported in a single day of blood? A whole tank. Of course, there are the same 4-5 liters of blood (about 8% of the body weight) recycled continuously, to transport oxygen and nutrients such as glucose or amino acids. Tension (or blood pressure) has two values, one high and one low. The systolic tension, the high value, is the one exerted on the arteries when the heart contracts, that is, when it sends blood to the whole body. The diastolic one, is the pressure on the arterial walls when the heart relaxes, that's why it is even lower, when the blood circulates almost from the interstitium. Now, in 2019, the normal values ​​of blood pressure in systole are between 100 and 130 mm(Hg), that is, between 10 and 13. Last year, European and American cardiologists reduced the numbers of normal blood pressure and did not agree between them. Americans say that normal blood pressure is anything below 12 to 8, European doctors call these optimal values ​​and for them normal blood pressure goes up to 13. The differences led to a wave of discussions, especially because until then hypertension only started from 14 up on the whole planet. Returning to the numbers, because we live in Europe, let's note that the European Society of Cardiology considers that blood pressure is considered normal up to 13 and "high normal" when it is between 130-139 mm of the mercury column. Applying the same principle, normal diastolic pressure values ​​are lower than 85 mm Hg and high normal values ​​reach up to 89 mm Hg. In certain situations - old age, smoking, high cholesterol. The company warns that these high normal values ​​can be considered dangerous, that is, they present cardiovascular risks. in these cases it is good to have a cardiologist to monitor you. Here are the problems that high blood pressure indicates: If the systolic pressure exceeds 139 mmHg, and the diastolic pressure falls within the range of 90-99 mmHg, then we are talking about stage 1 hypertension, in which case the cardiologist may recommend that you you make changes in your lifestyle and, perhaps, medication. Grade 2 hypertension occurs when the values ​​are between 160 and 179 mm Hg, respectively 100-109 mmHg. If you observe these values ​​for several consecutive days, make an appointment with the cardiologist, who will tell you how to proceed, so as to avoid complications. And if the values ​​exceed 180 mmHg and 110 mmHg, then we are talking about grade 3 hypertension. if you get these results, you must go to the doctor urgently. With advancing age, hypertension affects the walls of the arteries. For example, there may be places where the artery wall thins and forms an aneurysm, or where it simply breaks and bleeds. Or, in other cases, small tears in the arteries can attract substances such as cholesterol, fat or calcium, which form plaques. As the plaques increase, the amount of blood passing through the arteries decreases, and the blood cells stick to the plaque and form clots. Other problems that high blood pressure can cause are: strokes, heart attacks or kidney diseases. What you must remember from this video is that the normal blood pressure values ​​in systole are between 100 and 130 mm of mercury, and those in diastole are lower than 89 mm. To make sure you monitor your blood pressure correctly, measure it several days in a row in the same part of the day. And 3, if you notice changes, no matter how small, make an appointment with the cardiologist urgently. --- Welcome to the Pacientul2.0 channel! Here you learn about HEALTH IN YOUR LANGUAGE and ALL materials are medically validated. We publish weekly about health on topics such as nutrition, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, blood sugar, but also interviews with doctors from various medical specialties such as oncology, cardiology, endocrinology. #health #tension #tensiometer

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