COURSES TAUGHT BY PROF. VALDENILTON: Basic Electronics Course Level 1 and 2 Online (100% in VIDEO) https://go.hotmart.com/S90922297H?dp=1 Digital LCD/LED TV Repair Course (100% in PDF) https://technologycursos.wixsite.com/... Transformer Winding Course (100% in PDF) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-enrolamento... COURSES TAUGHT BY OTHER TEACHERS: Basic Electronics Course (with a focus on repair) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-eletronica-... Basic Electronics Course (with a general focus) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-eletronica-... Cell Phone Repair Course (version 5.0) https://hotm.art/Conserto-de-celular-top Cell Phone Repair Course Notebook Motherboard https://hotm.art/Conserto-de-placa-ma... Voltage Inverter Manufacturing and Repair Course https://hotm.art/Aprenda-a-fazer-inve... Photovoltaic Solar Energy Course https://hotm.art/Curso-energia-solar-... Complete Digital Marketing Course (from scratch) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-Marketing-D... VIDEOS TO COMPLEMENT THIS CLASS: HOW THE FREEWHEELING DIODE PROTECTS THE TRANSISTOR FROM THE DREADED FCEM: • Understand How the Freewheeling Diode Pr... NOT ALL 5-COLORED RING RESISTORS ARE PRECISION: • Not all 5-colorful ring resistors are pre... SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH FRIENDS: • Never underestimate the snubber circuit of... SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW: / @technologycursosoficial Introduction: Voltage spikes caused by the emergence of the FCEM in the primary coil of the Chopper transformer tend to damage the switching element of the switched-mode power supply, be it a MOSFET transistor or an Integrated Circuit. In this video, you will learn that we should never underestimate the Snubber circuit. The snubber circuit is formed, in most cases, by an RCD cell, responsible for attenuating the voltage spikes produced in the primary winding of the switched-mode power supply. The snubber circuit is essential for the survival of the switching element of the switched-mode power supply. Area of application: The snubber circuit is mainly used in circuits where the operating principle is switched, such as power supplies, relays, etc. Operating Principle: In the switched-mode power supply, the snubber circuit is in parallel with the primary coil of the chopper transformer and in series with the switching element. When the MOSFET saturates, it allows a current to pass through the primary coil, creating a magnetic field in the coil that determines its polarity. This polarity causes the snubber circuit diode to cut off while the switching element is conducting. When the switching element of the switched-mode power supply cuts off, the current in the primary coil stops and a force known as EMFC appears. When the EMFC appears in the primary coil, it causes high voltage spikes and reverses the direction of the coil's magnetic field, as well as its polarity. The polarity reversal at the primary coil terminals allows the snubber circuit diode to conduct, charging the snubber capacitor with the voltage spikes caused by the EMFC in the primary coil, saving the switching element from destruction. When the switching element conducts again through the PWM pulses, the coil polarity reverses again, causing the diode to cut off. With the snubber circuit diode cutting off, the snubber capacitor discharges through a resistor placed in parallel with its terminals and in the next cycle, the capacitor will charge again with the EMFC. Using the oscilloscope, you can see all the movement of the switching element of the switching power supply, as well as the voltage spikes caused by the FCEM and the action of the snubber circuit attenuating these voltage spikes. Conclusion: I hope that, by the end of this class, you have understood why we should never underestimate the snubber circuit of the switching power supply and also learned how to analyze its operation. Hello, I am Professor Valdenilton, Technical Coordinator of the Electronics courses taught by Technology Cursos. I love transforming people's lives through teaching. My goal is to teach people like you to repair the electronic equipment they love, helping in every possible way. INFORMATION: Our website: https://technologycursos.wix.com/tech... Business contact: [email protected] Contact by our Whatsapp center: (82) 9 8706-9200 (By messages only)