#Çaysaati #Lentilmeatballs Try the indispensable flavor of our tea times and days, lentil meatballs, with my recipe, you will love this meatball with its perfect size, perfect taste and consistency I advise you to try this delicious lentil meatball recipe as soon as possible, it will truly be your favorite flavor SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL / @alevturkenalevlemutfakaskna INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/alewturken3... The size of the water glass I use: 250 ml The size of the tea glass I use: 125 ml Ingredients 1 glass of red lentils 3 glasses of water 1.5 glasses of fine bulgur for meatballs 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of chili pepper 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 bunch of parsley 1 bunch of spring onions 2 onions 1 tea glass of olive oil 1 finger short of 1 tablespoon of hot pepper paste 1 tablespoon of tomato paste While serving Lettuce Lemon . . . AZERBAIJAN RECIPE The size of the water bottle I used: 250 ml The size of the tea bottle I used: 125 ml Ingredients 1 cup red rice 3 cups water 1.5 cups fine bulgur with mold 1 teaspoon salt 1 tea teaspoon of chili pepper 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon of jafari 1 teaspoon of onion 2 onions 1 tablespoon of olive oil from a tea stand 1 teaspoon of hot pepper cake 1 teaspoon of tomate cake While making love Kahi Limon . . . ENGLISH RECIPE The size of the water glass I use: 250 ml The tea glass size I use: 125 ml Materials 1 cup of red lentils 3 glasses of water 1.5 cups fine bulgur with meatballs 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon of chili pepper 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 bunch of parsley 1 bunch of scallions 2 onions 1 finger less olive oil from 1 tea glass 1 tablespoon of hot pepper paste 1 tablespoon tomato paste While making love Lettuce Lemon . . . RECETA ESPAÑOLA El tamaño del vaso de agua que uso: 250 ml El tamaño del vaso de té que uso: 125 ml Materiales 1 taza de lentejas rojas 3 vasos de agua 1.5 tazas de bulgur fino con albóndigas 1 cucharadita de sal 1 cucharadita de ají 1 cucharadita de pimienta negra 1 manojo de perejil 1 manojo de cebolletas 2 cebollas 1 dedo menos aceite de oliva de 1 vaso de té 1 cucharada de pasta de pimiento picante 1 cucharada de pasta de tomate Mientras haces el amor Lechuga Limón. . . Rates: 250 мл. Options: 125 мл. Materials 1 stakan красной чечевицы 3 stakana воды 1.5 stakan 1 chain 1 chain 1 glass perch 1 пучок зеленого лука 2 луковицы На 1 pallet оливкового масла из 1 стакана чая 1 столовая ложка пасты из Opening table 1 table Салат Лимон . . . وصفة عربية حجم كوب الماء الذي استخدمه: 250 hours Number: 125 minutes ناعم مع كرات اللحم 1 1 of 1 1 ملعقة كبيرة معجون فلفل حار 1 ملعقة كبيرة معجون طماطم أثناء ممارسة الحب الخس ليمون