The church at Laodicea was facing a very serious problem in its time. What lessons can we learn from it? Check out the presentation by Reverend Hernandes Dias Lopes. ➡️ Follow IPP on social media: Website: https://www.ippinheiros.org.br/ Facebook: / ippinheiros Instagram: / ippinheiros EAD Pinheiros: http://ippinheiros.org.br/eadpinheiros Editora Heziom: https://editoraheziom.com.br IPPTV: https://ipp.tv.br ➡️ Check out the full schedule of IPP TV - Your Web TV 24 hours a day: https://ipp.tv.br #IgrejaPresbiterianaDePinheiros #IPPTV #TeologiaReformada Presbyterian Church of Pinheiros. Av. Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 6151, Pinheiros - São Paulo.