We share the special documentary about the Hornero. The series of six short films, made by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA), tells the life and habitat of each of the protagonists of the new family of banknotes: the ovenbird, the jaguar, the southern right whale, the taruca, the condor and the guanaco. In addition, it shows the daily effort of all those working on its preservation. Just as with the banknotes, these shorts aim to highlight the generosity of nature and emphasize the importance of preserving and promoting biodiversity. By choosing native fauna and Argentine regions, the BCRA seeks a meeting point where all Argentines can feel represented in the national currency. The shorts, filmed in Full HD format, used natural environments with aerial and underwater images, among others. The production was carried out by specialists dedicated to portraying nature at its best. About the new banknotes Through the new family of banknotes, the Central Bank introduces a vertical design on the front of the banknotes and a new way of raising awareness about environmental protection. The BCRA began to put its new family of banknotes into circulation in 2016 and will end in 2018. Each banknote has on its front the representative animal of the different regions of Argentina and on its back an image of its characteristic habitat. Banknotes of $1,000 (Hornero), $500 (Jaguar), $200 (Southern Right Whale), $100 (Taruca), $50 (Cóndor), $20 (Guanaco). With this new family of banknotes, the Central Bank seeks to: -Celebrate life and not death, our fauna and flora are a representation of life and the living. -Emphasize the future more than the past, celebrating life is looking to the future. -Going from solemnity to joy, joy is the way we choose to live our daily lives, why should our currency be different? -Claiming federalism, with protagonists that represent the entire national territory. -We are more than just men and women. Our country is much more than the society of men and women. We are plants, animals, soil, air, water; we have the responsibility to care for and preserve in an integral sense our environment and all its inhabitants. -All Argentines to meet. This new family speaks of the challenges that all Argentines have in understanding that there is much more that unites us than separates us. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar / tvpublica / tv_publica