Hello everyone! Welcome to this video where I share my absolute Sensing favorites from the year 2024. It will be a wonderfully flowing class that suits everyone. Chapter 00:00 - Intro 01:20 - Vagus reset 03:10 - Seated gnashing 05:40 - Pigeon sequence 16:30 - Rocking and gnashing 19:25 - Pelvic pendulum with arm spirals 21:30 - Neck release in flow 24:50 - Psoas release 30:50 - Barnet sequence 33:40 - Shaking and body yawning 34:45 - Freezing 35:20 - Ending https://sensingyoga.se/ Trainings Sensing Yoga Online: https://bit.ly/3T78t4Y Sensing Fascia Online: https://bit.ly/3T6noO5 Courses Sensing Rest Online: https://bit.ly/48HqBIr Sensing Quantum Online: https://bit.ly/4gAqB29 Video courses Sensing Yoga Basic course: https://bit.ly/43FGv3L Psoas & The Red Line: https://bit.ly/3Oz4lKc Sensing Yoga on Chair: https://bit.ly/3Qblwmd Sensing Rest: https://bit.ly/3Dyk3yI Sensing Fascia: https://bit.ly/3GqcY4G Newsletter https://sensingyoga.se/nyhetsbrev Social media / sensingyoga.se / yogabymia More Sensing Yoga on YouTube • Sensing Live • Sensing Event • Positions & techniques • Flows & sequences #sensingyoga