On May 29th and 30th, 2018, product development tests for the iron jig Wiggle Rider were conducted at Yutamaru in Kumejima, Okinawa Prefecture. The 210-220g prototype model, which had been tested mainly for bluefish for three years since 2015, was challenged to catch tuna at the Kumejima bay. As a result, Suzuki Hitoshi achieved the feat of catching a yellowfin tuna weighing about 50kg with the Wiggle Rider prototype 225g, which was his personal best. Interview cooperation: Recreational fishing boat Yutamaru NatureBoys/Nature Boys webpage http://www.e-natureboys.com WiggleRider/Wiggle Rider product page http://www.e-natureboys.com/products/... NatureBoysOfficialwebshop/Official webshop https://natureboys.thebase.in #SuzukiSai,#IronJig,#wigglerider,#biggame,#Natureboys,#Fisingfigthers, #Amberjack,#Jigging,#NatureBoys,#suzukijig,#FishingFighters,#Yellowtail,#bigfish.#MADEINJAPAN#Bincho#TunaJigging#Mie