(Broadcast on August 19, 2021) ▼Click "See more" to check the tackle information used in the program! ▼Goromaru Ayumu Tackle used [Rod] OCEA Plugger Full Throttle S88H (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Reel] Stella SW 14000XG (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Line] OCEA 8 #6 (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Leader] Nylon 140lb [Lure] Bubble Dip 220 AR-C Flash Boost (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) ▼Suzuki Hitoshi Tackle used [Rod] OCEA Plugger BG S83H (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Reel] Twin Power SW 14000XG (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Line] OCEA 8 #6 (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Leader] Nylon 140lb [Lure] Bubble Dip 220 AR-C Flash Boost (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Lure] OCEA HEAD DIP 140F/175F AR-C 175F AR-C (http://fishing.shimano.co.jp/product/...) ▼Goromaru Ayumu's clothing [Life jacket] Raft Air Jacket (inflatable life jacket) VF-051K (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Shoes] EVAIR Marine Fishing Shoes FS-091I (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) ▼Clothing worn by Suzuki Hitoshi [Life jacket] Raft Air Jacket (inflatable life jacket) VF-051K (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Jacket] Rain Gear Jacket 01 RA-01JT (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Pants] Splash Shield Light Short Pants WP-043T (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Shoes] EVAIR Marine Fishing Sandals FS-093L (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...)