★ ☆Welcome to my channel!☆ ★ ↓↓↓ LINKS ↓↓↓ it's already here ???? ANNA WEBER'S BOOK #upbringingthroughart - https://bit.ly/3gpXGxu ★ ☆ Ania's musical things ☆ ★ ☞ Pomelody - a store with valuable music for children ➡️ https://bit.ly/3b4TfqP ☞ Ania's blog about #upbringingthroughart ➡️ www.annaweber.pl ☞ Ania's Instagram: / annavonweber ☞ On-line course: http://kurs.powerofmelody.com ☞ Pomelody® app - available for download in the Google Store and App Store ★ ☆ Who is Ania? ☆ ★ Ania - composer, influencer and soul of the Pomelody company. Together with her husband and team, she creates valuable music, radio plays for children and other tools that introduce young and old to the joy of music. Her passion is inspiring others. She writes a blog about natural musicality of children and education through art. She conducts classes with children and adults, trainings for teachers and workshops for parents. Co-author of the book Mama Lama: motherhood and other life conditions and a YouTuber. Together with Ola Woźniak, she sits on the couch of the Mama Lama channel. ★ ☆ Powered by Pomelody ☆ ★ Pomelody® - Valuable music and radio plays for children. Aesthetically valuable and from the point of view of the impact on development - Using pomelody products, we help children easily acquire knowledge, languages, the world and emotions. We create to make childhood sound better.