Want to know how to sell on Instagram in 2021? In this video, I selected the best tips and told you a little about how I use this social network as a business. Instagram is nothing more than an online showcase, where you have the chance to display your products, your brand, your principles and values. It can generate much more than just sales, and become the way your customer identifies with your business. Producing frequent content, generating engagement and creating relationships are three pillars that I talk about a little in this video. I also talk about the importance of having a business account on Instagram, so you can use Instagram ADS, advertise your products and place the famous “Instagram shopping bag” on them. Using Instagram for business, you also have the Instagram Insights feature, where you can analyze your metrics, your audience, your reach and the impressions of your posts, which makes it easier for you to outline your strategies. Is it worth having two profiles, one personal and one commercial, or is it better to centralize everything in a single account? How can I achieve RELEVANCE with my content? What type of caption should I create? How many hashtags should I use? How do I attract more people to my profile? How often should I post? Is it worth partnering with an influencer? In this video, I answer these and some other questions that often confuse those who are thinking about starting to use Instagram to sell. So watch until the end and subscribe to my channel for lots of other content: https://bit.ly/2RFcj6n TO TEST NUVEMSHOP WITH 30 DAYS FREE + 25% DISCOUNT: https://www.nuvemshop.com.br/partners... FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM TOO: https://bit.ly/2WNboTQ My online course: https://jornadalojadesucesso.com.br/ #comovenderpeloinstagram #sacolinhainstagram #venderpeloinstagram #instagramparanegocios #dicasparavendernoinstagram #estrategiasparavendernoinstagram