???? Get your Content Marketing for Business training https://enp.vc/marketing-conteudo-yt ???? DON'T know what to post? Download 32 ideas of what to post on social media for free: https://enp.vc/mcn-32ideias-yt-17 ▶️ INSTAGRAM REVEALED HOW ITS ALGORITHM WORKS! [Updated Video]: • INSTAGRAM REVEALED HOW ITS ALGORITHM WORKS! In today's video, Ana Clara Magalhães, Inbound Marketing Director at Ecommerce na Prática, gives tips on what you can do to make your business BOOM on Instagram The number of sales from Instagram has grown a lot. Around 58% of sales made through social media came from Instagram. Check out some tips to help your business thrive on Instagram: 1 - Define your brand positioning and make it clear In general, people use Instagram to be entertained, not to buy. Your posts should have content that makes people interact, that adds something to them, and not just about what your business sells. It should make clear what your brand believes in, and should encourage your audience to join and follow your profile. 2 - Build a loyal audience and keep it at all costs It's not enough to just get more followers; you need to keep them engaged with your brand. To do this, you need to create relevant content, interact with your audience, and show that you're present on the platform. These attitudes end up creating intimacy with the audience, who end up recommending your brand to friends and family, who may start following you and becoming your consumer. 3 - Invest in calls to action These are clear instructions for users to do what you want them to do. Ex.: DOWNLOAD the free ebook with 32 ideas of what to post on Instagram. The word “download” is a guide for what the user should do. You are indicating to the customer the actions they have to take to do something. 4 - Be concerned with the quality of the captions and not the length The text should engage the audience and guide them to take the action you want. This goes beyond selling a product. A good caption is effective in inviting the consumer to interact with the publication, improving your algorithm on Instagram. 5 - Go live Instagram lives help increase engagement on your profile and keep it trending. In addition, it helps your followers remember that you are there, because everyone ends up receiving the live notification. 6 - Your brand's hashtag Hashtags are much more than a search or content categorization mechanism. They are a way of showing that the person belongs to a tribe or a movement. Companies are using this strategy to bring the public closer to the brand and generate social proof. 7 - Invest in Stories Stories can be used to show some of the brand's new features, make announcements, promotions, get to know your persona better through polls... 8 - Use Instagram tools When Instagram launches a new tool, posts that use the new feature end up having a greater reach and engagement. 9 - If you can, use influencers If it fits your budget and doesn't hurt your finances, make a list of influencers who most closely match your brand's profile and who your audience follows your brand. Then, choose the ones that most closely match your values and create partnerships. Tip: ask your audience who they like and map their profiles. 10 - Mix your products with other content Product images alone will hardly engage your audience with your brand. People want to know how your product will transform their lives. Map and start addressing topics that your persona identifies with and that are related to your business. Show the value of your products. With these tips, you can make your business boom on Instagram and achieve great results in your sales. Did you like it? LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE! #business #ecommerce #bomboninstagram Ecommerce in Practice Entrepreneurship Ecommerce Bomb on Instagram Bomb your Business on Instagram Business on Instagram ----- • HOW TO MAKE YOUR BUSINESS BOMB ON IN... ---- ➜ Also watch: 9 Things Nobody Talks About Instagram - • 9 THINGS NOBODY TALKS ABOUT INS... ➜ Read Also: https://ecommercenapratica.com/passo-... ➜ Get to know our Courses: https://ecommercenapratica.com/cursos... ➜ Follow EnP on Facebook: / ecommercenapraticablog ➜ Follow EnP on Instagram: / ecommercenapratica ➜ Follow Ana on Instagram: / souaninha ➜ Learn more about Content Marketing for Business: https://enp.vc/marketing-conteudo-yt