Coming out another different project, Strato gray painting on the MT 09 with Aurora pearl, this pearl is very exclusive because only the emitted shine is blue, the stripes were also made in candy blue paint matching the rims. So this was doing the strato gray painting with gold pearl on the MT 09, Thank you very much for watching! Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel, it helps a lot. Thanks for the support, TMJ!!! Custom Paintings? ???? Call on Instagram direct! My painting workshop: DZ CUSTOM @dzcustom_oficial / dzcustom_oficial ???? Follow me on Instagram! @cristopherdiniz / cristopherdiniz Call on Direct to ask questions. PARTNER CHANNELS DAN SILVA - PLANNED PURCHASE: / @dansilvacompraplanejada LOBO TRACKING: http://whatsapp.loborastreamento.com/... FULLPRO: / @fullprobr