I was wandering around the Internet, or rather looking at soldering topics on AliExpress. I came across quite significant discounts on a similar Chinese-made JBC soldering iron. The purchase was not long in coming. Time will tell how such a thing will behave during soldering work. The idea of buying such a soldering station has long been in my head, but the prices for them are still very biting. Naturally, the toad did not allow me to make such purchases. My practice has long been maturing in the transition to a higher level. All the soldering stations that I have, they are not enough or they do not reach for long-term procedures. To make it clear, let's make this kind of analogy. All day, every day, to work with a sledgehammer or a hammer drill. Is there a difference? And hammer drills are also different. With one tool you will get tired and spend a lot of time on certain jobs, and with another you will do everything quickly, efficiently and easily #soldering iron