Hi everyone! Back with our projects and with news that we will talk about in the next videos, today I bring you pieces made with homemade ceramics! That's right, a ceramic made at home, easy to make, with cheap and easy to find materials and that does not require firing! This clay is delicious to handle and fun to make too! Super versatile, because as you can see I made pieces by sculpting, coating and modeling with a mold! All with the same clay! Sensational! I hope to inspire you to literally get your hands dirty! The project that inspired me to make these was from my friend Lavinie from the channel @criarprojetoscriativos, whose link is below: • HOMEMADE RUSTIC CERAMICS WITHOUT OVEN C... Thank you Lavinie for this and so many other beautiful and creative projects! Kisses on the heart and until the next video! MEET OUR DIY SQUAD: @TemDoutoraNaFaxina @diydeia @DecorandoeTal @DIKINHADIY @criarprojetoscriativos @duda_manualidades5837 @soideiaslegais7205 @PRIARTDECORACOES @LiDecora @PRIARTDECORACOES