Hey guys! Let's go for another season of the DIY Squad! And in this edition we are going to reproduce a store piece that caught our eyes! We are literally going to make a DIY decoration that looks like a store! I confess that I wanted to reproduce several pieces, but today, the winner of the day is a piece from the Tok Stok store in the best Boho decoration style and with a basket weaving touch! Check out the participating channels in the list below and stay tuned for the pieces that the girls will play on their channels! Kisses on the heart and see you in the next video! MEET OUR DIY SQUAD: CREATE - CREATIVE PROJECTS @criarprojetoscriativos  THERE'S A DOCTOR IN CLEANING @TemDoutoraNaFaxina  DIKINHA DIY @DIKINHADIY  PRI ART DECORAÇÕES @PRIARTDECORACOES  DIYDEIA @diydeia MAYRA RIBEIRO @mayraribeiroDIY DUDA MANUAL AGES @duda_manualidades5837  DECORATING AND SUCH @DecorandoeTal MARIS MANUALIDADES @ManualidadesdaMáris