Starting this week, if I get bored I'll stop I'm basically progressing through the story Monday: P2G Tuesday: P3 Wednesday: 3G Thursday: 4G Friday: XX (solo/pair participation type) Saturday: reserve day Sunday: reserve day → I also plan to do some participatory activities at night ------------ ★Featured Wilds videos★ ■ • 4K Show us your offset! The world's first 2-wielder hunt! Hammer's perspective on hunting Le Dau Multiplayer 11'... →The world's first to hunt a Doshakuma and a Le Dau within the time limit! You can see how to use the hammer in this gameplay! ■ • [MHWilds] Destroying wounds is the key to victory? ! Revealed in early demo! The specifications of wounds are easy to understand... →This video examines the specifications of wounds from interviews and early demo numbers! ■ • A thorough explanation of the dramatic evolution of the hammer, as revealed in the early playthrough [Monster... → A video that examines the hammer combos and other aspects after watching the early playthrough. It is compared to World/Sunbreak, so if you want to know about the changes to Wild's Hammer, check it out! ■ • A must-see for hammer users! A thorough explanation of the new features that will be useful in the beta test! & Friendly Fire... → A video that summarizes the new features of the hammer! Recommended for those who want to understand the key points! ----------- #mhp2g #mhp3rd #mh3g #mh4g #mhxx #mhrise #MonsterHunterWilds #mhws #mhwildsobt