Milan Markovič: Čaputová can bang her head in Stanford today


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Published on Sep 24, 2024
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Panel discussion with actor, humorist, satirist, moderator and screenwriter Milan Markovič. The moderator started by mentioning his rich professional career and the TV talk show Večer Milan Markoviča, which in the 90s aroused passions and faced bans. The guest responded that this and other TV programs were a direct continuation of his radio cabaret Under the Pyramid. He cannot imagine that he could adapt to what is considered humor and entertainment today, when the performers are having more fun than the audience. According to him, there is a lack of real satire in the media, although "there is plenty of material". In the next part of the interview, Markovič answered questions related to the period of the so-called pandemic and related measures. "It was a test of what nations can endure, whether the powerful can afford it, a kind of test of obedience," he noted. According to him, people did not use common sense in that period, and when the first vaccines appeared, he realized that it was some kind of experiment. He pointed out that perhaps more people succumbed to the measures against the disease and to the so-called the vaccine rather than the disease itself. He went on to say that when the inventor of mRNA technology pointed out that it could be exploited, he was called a disinformer. "His, who understood it best in the world! And we still have no idea what the EU and everyone else intends to do with us," he added. To the moderator's remark that in recent years, people who are obviously incapable but capable of everything have been appointed to leading political positions here and abroad, as well as at the EU level, he responded that we were entering a different European Union than it is today. MEPs and the leadership of the European Commission should be a blossoming of all member countries, but the reality is completely different. "That Mrs. von der Leyen, who has many children, is re-elected today despite proven corruption of millions," he continued. He also mentioned the only successful referendum in Slovakia - on joining the EU. Unlike the plebiscite in 2023, it was widely promoted by politicians and the media. The referendum on early elections was "successfully hammered, cut" by former president Zuzana Čaputová, who "didn't like having to write it". At the same time, according to his words, it was the most important referendum that has ever been held here, because if it had been successful, it would have allowed for an easy change of government outfits that would have disappointed the people. "No one will ever call such a referendum again, because it does not suit the politicians," he added. In the last elections, he did not vote for any party, because he does not agree with the electoral system with a single electoral district, which is the entire Slovak Republic. He does not see anything progressive in progressivism as a political and ideological direction. He illustrated this by promoting the LGBTI agenda, which, in addition to homosexuals and bisexuals, which according to him is natural, also talks about dozens of other genders. "Why do they also send psychiatric patients to them?" he asked, adding that it is no longer given by nature. He also said that traditional values ​​seem to be getting boring and something else needs to be quickly invented, "no matter how stupid it is". In a fight with incompetent liberals and progressives, Robert Fico easily won the election, he thinks. He almost unreservedly agreed with the election videos of the current prime minister and offered to record a video interview with him during the election campaign, where he would also ask him less pleasant questions, so that he could refute some of the claims that were spread about him in the media. He was disappointed that there was no response from Fico. However, he emphasized that if someone calls protests because of disagreement with the government, one must remember that free elections took place here, which is a principle of democracy. "So please, let's try to accept them," he told the opposition. In the end, he talked about his current performance in the cabaret at the Lozano restaurant in Bratislava, where, among others, he has already hosted Jaromír Nohavica, Miroslav Donutil, Bolek Polívka, Jan Hnízdil, but also Václav Klaus. The next guest will be Karel Šíp. With his guests, he does not shy away from debates about politics, and in this context he also touched on the Šimečkov family and their exploitation of the state, or the obvious nonsense that Ukraine is fighting for us and that Putin is allegedly planning to invade Central Europe. He also promoted his biographical book entitled Milan Markovič ZBLÍZKA.

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