director's cut of this episode, without ads already on Boosty - https://boosty.to/duhprovincii Metox tg - https://t.me/metoxmetox Metox inst - / metoooox Metox vk - https://vk.com/metox Spirit of the Province - these are vlogs about the street, the underground, the mentality of the outskirts, the everyday life of ordinary people. we are on telegram - https://t.me/Duh_provincii we are on VK - https://vk.com/provinciya_reshaet SPIRIT OF THE PROVINCE MERCH is also here ???????????????????????? SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: - 4276 3801 0375 7626 (Sberbank). ORDER ADVERTISING FOR PROVINCE SPIRIT - [email protected] Roma's inst - https://www.instagram.com/romamyvisio... All of Seryoga's social networks, sign up for a personal consultation and tattoo session at the link https://taplink.cc/shilxmachine music: METOX - https://vk.com/metox