Mundo UFG - 1st season Broadcast date: 07/19/2021 Theme: What was the military dictatorship like in Goiás Interviewees: David Maciel (prof. FH/UFG), Camila Silva (research. FH/UFG), Caroline Gomes (research. FH/UFG) and Julianna Mendes (research. FH/UFG) Interpretation for Libras: Joseane Carvalho ▶ TV UFG is an educational and cultural broadcaster that covers the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia on an open signal. ▶ Channel 15.1 on an open signal 21 NET-Goiânia 15 Gigabyte HDTV ▶ Watch online: www.tvufg.org.br ▶ Follow TV UFG on social media: YouTube Twitter Facebook Instagram /tvufg