Guest at METOPA on Tuesday, June 7, was Petre Guran, a Byzantinologist and old friend of host Theodor Paleologu. They discussed Mr. Guran's book, "Rendre la couronne au Christ. Étude sur la fin de l'idée impériale byzantine", about Byzantinology and, of course, about their long-standing friendship. // June 7, 2022 Metope is broadcast every Tuesday, from 2 p.m. @ Radio Guerrilla. METOPE. Show made courtesy of the Casa Paleologu Foundation. #Metope #RadioGuerrilla #podcast #radioshow #radio #FundatiaPaleologu #theodorpaleologu #PetreGuran Find us here: Radio Guerrilla Website: https://www.guerrillaradio.ro/ Facebook: / radio.guerrilla Instagram: / radio.guerrilla TikTok: / radio.guerrilla Or, in one place, right here - https://linktr.ee/radio.guerrilla