This model is only for advertising purposes. Regarding prices, each project is exclusive and customized according to the needs of each client. This Position 6.5 model in the video is valued at R$529,900.00. (Only the motorhome assembly). Partner Custom is a company that works with motorhomes, trailers and special vehicles in general. Located in the city of Estância Velha - RS, the company has facilities to provide all services related to the market. We also supply parts and equipment upon request. Avenida Estancia Velha, 1298, Portão Velho Portão - RS http://www.partnercustom.com.br/ / partnercustommotorhomes (51) 98070-5624 (51) 3600-4942 [email protected] Position 6.5 has earned its special place at Partner! Small on the outside and incredibly spacious on the inside, it has everything you need to transform your trips into unique and memorable moments.