Yay, my lovelies, I was totally in my element and completely forgot to greet you in the video, that's never happened to me before. So here it is: hello out there, greetings! ???? to be honest, I don't even know if you're reading this info text, but I always add something! You asked for it! I love these little packages - made with leftovers. Incredibly versatile and simply adorable, or what do you think? As mentioned in the video, this idea doesn't come from me, but from Septeria18. I use different dimensions and make them however I feel like it. I look forward to your feedback and send you a big hug from afar. Best wishes, your Dana PLEASE, give me a thumbs up if you like it, a subscription is also great. I have endless ideas that I want to share with you. By "gifting" me a subscription (it's free for you), giving a thumbs up and commenting, you support me and my channel. That's great! ❤️ unpaid advertising due to brand mention -