On April 15, 2019, in the assembly hall of the Sretensky Theological Seminary, Hieromonk Andronik (Pantak), a resident of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery, held a meeting on the topic: "The Experience of the Spiritual Life of Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh." In his speech, Father Andronik discussed the following topics: the pastor's biography, personal ascetic experience, the main themes of pastoral instructions, advice on fighting passions and acquiring virtues, advice on family life and raising children, attitude to modern culture and modern problems, missionary experience, and the pastor's legacy. After the meeting, Father Andronik answered questions from the audience. This meeting is a continuation of the project "Orthodoxy. Educational courses for the laity", carried out by the Sretensky Monastery together with the Sretensky Theological Seminary. The general theme of the meetings this half-year is "Practical experience of the lives of outstanding pastors of the 19th-20th centuries."