The ancient Chinese called the mountains a staircase to heaven and believed that gods who created all of humanity lived on their tops. Unattainable, mystical and boundless heights became the center of religious life for the Chinese. In this part of the expedition to the spiritual places of the Celestial Empire, Dmitry Komarov will find a mystical message from his ancestors about the coming of the New Buddha to Earth in the mountains. The people of China believe that the New Buddha will be able to make the whole world happy by stopping crises, problems and cataclysms. Buddhists have been waiting for his coming for centuries and pass this legend on from generation to generation. More than a thousand years ago, the Chinese carved a giant statue of the Buddha of the Future in the mountain and claim that he will look exactly like this. Dmitry Komarov will go to this place of pilgrimage and show viewers how the ancestors managed to carve a 70-meter Buddha in the rock. The monks will tell Ukrainian travelers where exactly, according to ancient legends, the New Buddha should appear. Changing the route of the trip, the team of "World Inside Out" will go to one of the most beautiful monasteries in China in search of a man who will change the life of the entire planet. #WorldInsideOut #Komarov #China #WorldNavivorit